Dear Mother,
Is it in your heart to give your children spiritual support through prayer?
Then you are in good company with us!
We are mothers who have committed to meet once a week to pray for our children and schools.
Together, we can bring all our worries, our burdens and our concerns before our Heavenly Father.
In prayer, we know that we are not alone with our burdens – and this gives us reassurance and hope.
You are welcome to join us so that we can stand with you in prayer for your children.
I am confident that praying together will also strengthen your faith.
We will be delighted to meet you!
In His love,
Kathrin Larsen
Director of Moms in Prayer International in Europe & Israel
Highly recomended new book by our Europe & Israel director Kathrin Larsen
Ich schenk dir mein Gebet, Die Psalmen beten für unsere Kinder
Article from Christian magazin IDEA (25 2023): Interview on Kathrin Larsen's book