2019 06 MIP FR Banner

Highly recomended new book by our Europe & Israel director Kathrin Larsen

Ich schenk dir mein Gebet, Die Psalmen beten für unsere Kinder

*** For Germany and Austria ckick here ***                                   *** For Switzerland click here ***                  

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Article from Christian magazin IDEA (25 2023): Interview on Kathrin Larsen's book

       Ecerpt inteview Kathrin Larsen Book 2023

Podcast of the Swiss erf radio interview with Kathrin Larsen

*only available in original language

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Recommended Reading - available as pdf:

Recommended Reading - available from Christian bookstores & online retailers including Eden.co.uk :

  • 'Unshaken: Experience the Power and Peace of a Life of Prayer' by Sally Burke
  • 'Unshaken Study Guide and Personal Reflections: Experience the Power and Peace of a Life of Prayer' by Sally Burke

Parole de Mère

That's Moms in Prayer for me, Jane Weber-Miller




Parole d'Instituteur

Cela m’encourage de savoir que des mamans de Mères en Prière prient pour moi en tant qu’enseignant, et pour l’école où je travaille. J’apprécie beaucoup ce soutien.

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