2019 06 MIP ES Banner

“I cried to the Lord because of my affliction, and He answered me.
Out of the belly of Sheol I cried, and You heard my voice…

When my soul fainted within me, I remembered the Lord;
And my prayer went up to you, Into Your holy temple.” Jonah 2: 2,7

I don’t know about you, but I often find that people share testimonies of the great things God has done, and we rejoice with them, but then it can be easy to turn away and think, “But what about me, Lord? I am still in the belly of the whale!” Parenting, it seems to me, is a life-long commitment, and heartache and dashed hopes can seem to last forever, too, as we wait on the Lord’s answers that so often do not come within our own chosen timeframe. While pondering this, it occurred to me that Jonah didn’t wait until he landed on the shore to praise God, but praised Him from the belly of the whale. So, for those mums out there who, like me, might still be there in the whale, I wanted to share some praise, as I know that God is with me and one day, because of His faithfulness, I shall yet see dry land. I also wanted to share some encouragement that part of the reason that I KNOW that He cares about my children so much, is the way He brought Mums in Prayer into my life.

ATestimony from a Homeschool mum: "Praying with other mums is a blessing

During the last Above Rubies retreat in March 2013 I came across Mums in Prayer – an international movement of praying mothers. Naomi, who introduced Mums in Prayer and the concept of praying together as mums through scripture, asked for anyone interested to speak to her. I approached her and we prayed together for the first time a few weeks later.

ATestimony from a Homeschool mum: "A year ago, I felt constantly burdened for my four children;- one starting university, one away from the Lord and looking for work, one starting college and a younger one still being homeschooled. I would pray for them often but I noticed that my prayers were getting repetitive and dry and the burden did not lift.

Then I met Naomi and talked about ‘Mums In Prayer’, MIP.

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