2019 06 MIP ES Banner

Highly recomended new book by our Europe & Israel director Kathrin Larsen

Ich schenk dir mein Gebet, Die Psalmen beten für unsere Kinder

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Article from Christian magazin IDEA (25 2023): Interview on Kathrin Larsen's book

       Ecerpt inteview Kathrin Larsen Book 2023

Recommended Reading - available as pdf:

Recommended Reading - available from Christian bookstores & online retailers including Eden.co.uk :

  • 'Unshaken: Experience the Power and Peace of a Life of Prayer' by Sally Burke
  • 'Unshaken Study Guide and Personal Reflections: Experience the Power and Peace of a Life of Prayer' by Sally Burke

La opinión de una madre

Eso lo dice un hijo

Gracias mamá por orar por mí.                        

Una profesora nos cuenta

I’m encouraged to know that ‘Moms in Prayer‘ moms are praying for me as a teacher, and for the school where I teach. This gives me much appreciated support.

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