2019 06 MIP ES Banner

Categoría: Ingevulde Gebedstijd
folderIngevulde Gebedstijd
Subcategorías: 0
Archivos: 21
doc1God is Licht2020_V1_NL POPULAR
doc2God is mijn Beschermer2020_V1_NL POPULAR
doc3God is onveranderlijk2020_V1_NL POPULAR
doc5God is geduldig2020_V1_NL POPULAR
doc6God is de Allerhoogste2020_V1_NL POPULAR
doc7God is alwetend2020_V1_NL POPULAR
doc8Gods heerlijkheid2020_V1_NL POPULAR
doc9God is de Almachtige2020_V1_NL POPULAR
doc12God is Overwinnaar2022_V2_NL POPULAR
doc13God is Rechtvaardig2022_V1_NL POPULAR
doc14God is Soeverein2022_V2_NL POPULAR
doc15God is dichtbij2022_V1_NL POPULAR
doc17God is Betrouwbaar!2022_V1_NL POPULAR
doc19God is mijn Rots2022_V1_NL POPULAR

La opinión de una madre

As a single working mom, I make it a point to dedicate an hour of my schedule each week to pray with other ‘Moms in Prayer‘ moms. This gives me the strength I need to get through the day. It helps me as I raise my kids and it strengthens my relationship with their schools.

Una profesora nos cuenta

I’m encouraged to know that ‘Moms in Prayer‘ moms are praying for me as a teacher, and for the school where I teach. This gives me much appreciated support.

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