2019 06 MIP ES Banner

Categoría: Ingevulde Gebedstijd
folderIngevulde Gebedstijd
Subcategorías: 0
Archivos: 21
doc1God is Licht2020_V1_NL POPULAR
doc2God is mijn Beschermer2020_V1_NL POPULAR
doc3God is onveranderlijk2020_V1_NL POPULAR
doc5God is geduldig2020_V1_NL POPULAR
doc6God is de Allerhoogste2020_V1_NL POPULAR
doc7God is alwetend2020_V1_NL POPULAR
doc8Gods heerlijkheid2020_V1_NL POPULAR
doc9God is de Almachtige2020_V1_NL POPULAR
doc12God is Overwinnaar2022_V2_NL POPULAR
doc13God is Rechtvaardig2022_V1_NL POPULAR
doc14God is Soeverein2022_V2_NL POPULAR
doc15God is dichtbij2022_V1_NL POPULAR
doc17God is Betrouwbaar!2022_V1_NL POPULAR
doc19God is mijn Rots2022_V1_NL POPULAR

La opinión de una madre

God used ‘Moms in Prayer‘and the process of praying with other mothers for our children and schools to heal so much in my life. He has taken my struggles and concerns for my kids and is continuously teaching me how to surrender.

Eso lo dice un hijo

Gracias mamá por orar por mí.                        

Una profesora nos cuenta

I’m encouraged to know that ‘Moms in Prayer‘ moms are praying for me as a teacher, and for the school where I teach. This gives me much appreciated support.

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