2019 06 MIP ES Banner

Levántate, da voces en la noche, al comenzar las vigilias; Derrama como agua tu corazón ante la presencia del Señor; Alza tus manos a él implorando la vida de tus pequeñitos, Que desfallecen de hambre en las entradas de todas las calles. Lamentaciones 2:19


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Nuestra visión es que cada centro educativo del mundo sea cubierto con oración.


Madres Unidas para Orar Internacional impactaa los hijos y los centros educativos del mundo para Cristoal reunir a las madres para que oren.


Regionen 2021 03

Moms in Prayer YouTube links

Click here to see broadcast interviews with Kathrin Larsen as:

- The generational awakening

- Let the little children come to me 

Unidas, una para la otra

Para nosotras madres cada día es un reto y justo por eso es tan importante que nos ayudamos una a la otra, que nos apoyamos y nos animamos. Si ponemos nuestros motivos de oración delante de Dios no nos quitamos la responsabilidad, más Dios nos da todo lo que necesitamos para cumplir nuestras responsabilidades y para vivir la vida diaria con calma y esperanza.

“Además, les digo que, si dos de ustedes en la tierra se ponen de acuerdo sobre cualquier cosa que pidan, les será concedida por mi Padre que está en el cielo. Porque donde dos o tres se reúnen en mi nombre, allí estoy yo en medio de ellos”. Mateo 18:19-20 (Nueva Versión Internacional)

La opinión de una madre

I love this ministry so much. God originally brought MIP (or MIT as it was) across my path nearly 20 years ago, but for various reasons we did not go forward at that time. But when He brought it back some four years ago, I received an invitation from a local coordinator inviting me to a prayer breakfast, and in all honesty, my first reaction was; "I haven't got time for that!"

Also, when I joined a group, I was also concerned that I would not have time to pray EVERY week; I wondered if it might be a 'deal breaker'! However, not only has the weekly hour become possible, but it has become absolutely vital to me, and I now run my own group of women that the Lord has hand-picked and brought to us. I love how the Lord gives me the attribute each week, and how blessed we are when we find it is always so appropriate. I love encouraging and supporting the other mums, and we rejoice so much in answered prayer and shared testimonies together, as well as carrying one another's burdens. I have learned that it is so much more than my own little corner and this has been especially supported by MIP Switzerland. Meeting Kathrin, Jane and Cathy in England, as well as other mums from across the country and the world, has shown me what a huge vision this is, and how large God's heart is to encompass the burdens of mothers and children throughout the whole world. The beautiful, loving, self-sacrificing hearts of these mums, and their great love for Jesus have blessed me so much. All of this has given me so much joy and I now embrace it fully! I can't wait to see what the Lord is going to do next! Julie, UK

Una profesora nos cuenta

I’m encouraged to know that ‘Moms in Prayer‘ moms are praying for me as a teacher, and for the school where I teach. This gives me much appreciated support.

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